Saturday, August 18, 2007

Harry again (24th July)

So now about the movie..... I liked it as usual. Especially the part where the tiresome and irritating Dolores Umbridge is swept off her feet :-) by Hagrid's half-brother. Boy! I clapped like hell. Then I was reminded of something else that my colleague had said long time back as an answer to my "I dont read books on wizards". she said "Its magic for grown-ups". She was so right! The books took me to a wonderland I wished and hoped existed. And now the movie turned me into a child again......not ashamed to clap when I like something very much.

Recently I read a story:

An old man is sitting with his grandchild outside his house as the sun is setting. He looks at the sun and says to his grandchild "You know child, there are 2 wolves inside every human being. One good and the other evil and there is a constant struggle between the two of them." The child looks up at his old face and asks "which wolf wins grandpa?" To which the old man replies "The one you feed, child".

I guess Potter movies are doing an excellent job of feeding the good wolves in all of us when they show triumph of good over evil. And again it is not a black-white scenario. Not everything goody-goody. He does harbor doubts that he might be evil in reality. He gets angry and still finds it within him to fight back the evil wolf and let the good one win. All of us can see a little Harry inside us. And that makes him really special I think :-)

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