Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bhutanese food, anyone? (27th June)

Recently as I was surfing the TV channels I came across a program about food from Bhutan. I don’t know what dishes make up a lunch/dinner table in a Bhutanese house so I watched it.

I could not believe that when about 5 dishes were cooked ¡V each had just 4 ingredients. As far as spice was concerned there were only pieces of big red chili and salt. For an Indian like me who cannot do without my mandatory quota of garam masala, mustard, turmeric and chili powder this was like a culture shock :-) What? Not even a pinch of pepper? I exclaimed incredulously.

And 2 of the dishes had cheese in it as one of the ingredients! I cursed my luck for not being born into a Bhutanese family where I could consume cheese as part of my daily staple food :-) Some people have all the luck!

The food must have tasted nice too because the person anchoring the show sat down to consume it at the end. I watched him closely as he put a spoonful in the mouth. I have seen many cookery shows where the anchor-person on tasting food makes vague sounds like “oh, interesting”,”ok¨, ‘hmmm’- trying desperately to keep a happy face. But in this case, there was genuine delight J along with the comment “these chilies are rather hot”!

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