Monday, April 18, 2011

There is one song that I keep listening to on my newly purchased portable player. It's from the 80s movie "कुदरत". The lines go like this:

दुखसुखकी हरएक माला कुदरतही पिरोती है
हाथोकी लकीरोमे ये जागती सोती है
सामना करे जो इसका, किसमे ये दम है यहा
इसका खिलौना बनके, हम सब जिते है यहा
जिस राहसे हम गुजरे ये सामने होती है
Someone who was part of my class in school has passed away. I confess I didn't know him well. Most of the people from my class turned to medicine after 10th. I was part of the minority that chose to go to Engineering. And also I didn't take any pains to stay in touch with anyone after 10th. I believe that some friendships do come with an expiry date.

But that didn't cushion any of the shock. Here I am, sitting pretty in my cabin, chalking the plan out for the whole week and the weekend. Here I am, wondering whether I can take a vacation sometime in May. Here I am, worried about the project deadlines and the deliverables. Here I am, never ever thinking that I am NOT immortal. And someone who was the same age as me has passed away well before his 40s. This CANNOT happen or can it?

True, it would be rather gross to think about death all the time. But I remember something from a play I had watched not a long time back. It was based on "Tuesdays with Morrie". The protagonist's professor tells him that he imagines a bird sitting on his shoulder all the time. And that little birdie keeps asking him whether he is ready to go. That keeps him aware of his mortality and in sight of what is important. The scene had made a powerful impact on me at that time but it got dulled as the routine of life took its toll.

I am sure I will imagine a bird on my shoulder all through today and maybe tomorrow. Then once again, life will make me forget about it.

I just hope and pray that my classmate's soul rests in peace! :-(
I finally seem to have found a perfect छोले (Chickpeas) recipe - thanks to Chef Aditya Bal! I am not sure if it was an episode of "चख ले इंडिया" or of "चख ले अकेडमी". It doesn't matter . What matters is that I cooked it over the weekend and it turned out to be very good. Thanks Aditya! :-)
Came across this great quote today:

If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z.
Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut.
- Albert Einstein

How I wish more and more people would follow his advice!