Friday, September 30, 2011

"Bones" - Star World channel

I haven't been a regular viewer of "Bones" (Star World channel) but lately I have begun watching some episodes. It's a bit more full of jargon than CSI but then I guess most of us don't know much about bones beyond fractures, calcium and of course, osteoporosis. CSI is a different story with its DNA swabs and gun powder residues - which are pretty much a common feature in almost all crime-related programs these days. :-)

It was sad to see Vincent Nigel-Murray go :-( His was an adorable character. On the other hand, I find Dr. Brennan truly insufferable. Never seen anyone like her in real or reel life before. Really. Dr. Lance Sweets is rather cute.

Yesterday's episode ended on this curious song - the lime and the coconut. Had never heard this one before. So I searched the net and found the lyrics. They didn't make much sense to me at first. But one of the comments did - something that makes me sick, can also cure me :-)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

This gem came in an SMS:

Deep relationships are not built by forcing others to understand you.
But by giving them the confidence that you have understood them.

Something that sounds ridiculously simple, and yet, is difficult, if not impossible, to put in practice. Won't you agree? :-)
Oh, for the love of God! T&T lost again yesterday. When NSW needed 17 runs from the last over, I had thought that T&T's victory was almost a done deal. But NSW somehow managed to score 16 runs in that over. When the match moved to the Super Over, I found myself praying (which I haven't done even for my home team, the lousy Mumbai Indians!) fervently. Of course, God hasn't been known to care very much for my prayers so it was no surprise that they went unanswered this time as well. :-(
Why do we need so many things that require charging? The other day I asked myself this question again and again as I plugged in charger after charger to power up my laptop, phone and walkman respectively. It was as if they all had conspired to run out of power at the same time. And I needed to use all of them that evening. :-(

Why can't someone come up with gadgets intelligent enough to charge themselves as soon as they sense low battery power? Or better still, gadgets that don't need charging - ever :-)

कैसा ये इस्क है, अजबसा रिस्क है

I was watching the song 'मुहोबत कर लो' from the movie 'आरपार' (1954) last night. When I heard the lines "पर बड़े गजबकी बात है इसमेभी धोका है", I almost burst out laughing. Doesn't the new song from movie 'मेरे ब्रदरकी दुल्हन' - 'कैसा ये इस्क है, अजबसा रिस्क है' - say almost the same thing? As they say - the more things change, the more they remain the same. :-)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

अर्ज है.....

मै तमाम दिनका थका हुआ
तू तमाम शबका जगा हुआ
जरा ठहर जा इसी मोडपर
तेरे साथ शाम गुजार लू

मागच्या आठवड्यात एक दिवस संध्याकाळी काहीतरी करायला म्हणून गॆलरीत गेले तेव्हा आभाळ गच्च भरून आलेलं दिसलं. कशासाठी आले होते ते विसरूनच गेले मग. कित्ती वेळ तरी बाहेरच पहात उभी होते. किती छान दिसतं असं आभाळ. पण ह्या वर्षीचा पाऊस आता जवळजवळ गेल्यातच जमा आहे. त्यामुळे कदाचित ह्यावर्षीचं ते आभाळाचं शेवटचं भरून येणं असेल. नुसत्या ह्या विचारानेच कसंतरी झालं. अंधार दाटून येऊ लागला तरी पाय मागे वळेनात. पाऊस पडत नव्हता तरी कुठेतरी वाचलेली एक कविता मनात घुमत राहिली.

झाडाखाली बसलेले, कोणी कोठे रुसलेले
चिंब मनी आज पुन्हा, आठवूनी मेघ जुना कोणी भिजलेले

वार्‍यातूनी, पाण्यातूनी, गाण्यातूनी भिजला
पाऊस हा माझा तुझा, आता ऋतू सजला
गंध असे, मंद जणू, होऊनिया थेंब जणू, आता टपटपले

पाऊस हा असा, झाला वेडापिसा, पानाफुलांत पुन्हा
खूप जुन्या आज पुन्हा, डोळयात थेंबखुणा
होऊनिया धुंद खरे, आज पुन्हा गार झरे येथे झरझरले

काही कळया, काही फूले, काही झूले हलले
काही मनी, काही तनी, काही नवे फुलले
वावरुनी आज कुणी, सावरुनी आज कुणी, येथे थरथरले
I may have posted this quote here before, but I love it so much that I don't mind posting it again:

Everyone's life starts with a full bag of luck and an empty bag of experience.
The trick is to fill the bag of experience before the luck runs out

Something worth tattooing on your arm, what say? :-)
This one came to me in an SMS yesterday:

Google has completed 12 this year..
We just have 1 more year left to use it before it becomes.....

a teenager and stops answering questions.

I forwarded it to a couple of friends before realizing that it was Google's 13th birthday yesterday (did you see their Doodle?).

Oops, so Google is a Teenager already. - though a well-behaved one, considering that it is still answering all my questions :-)

Dwarakadheesh (Imagine)

I had missed out on couple of episodes of this one because repeat telecast at 11pm has been discontinued. A little adjustment was needed at home so I could watch the 8pm episode instead - not an easy task but I manage to do it every day because I really like the actor playing the lead role of my favorite deity. :-)

Presently, Krishna's childhood friend (God! I remembered Shahrukh Khan from 'Om Shanti Om' the moment I typed these words!), Sudama, has come to see him. It's a heart-warming story but seems to be dragging on in the serial. In my humble opinion, a week's worth of episodes would have been more than enough.

The actor playing Krishna needs to guard against overacting. He tends to do that a lot when the scene is emotional. True, his dimples (and eyes!) hardly give you a chance to look at his eye-brows but you cannot miss them during such scenes as he knits them frequently - which is highly irritating. :-(

So far, the stories have brought out the mischievous and emotional facets of Krishna's persona. I hope this actor is able to do justice to His character when it will be necessary to show a nerve of steel and diplomacy that are the hallmarks of the deity.

That, plus a little outdoor shooting would go a long way in improving the quality of this serial.
I always make it a point to read the column by Richard Branson in the Mint. I find that his columns are jargon-free and make a lot of sense. Yesterday's column was a bit different because it didn't deal with any business or corporate issues. Branson talked about a novel way of dealing with the menace of drug use that has been increasingly plaguing the world. Read on to find what he says about it in Branson Speak.
सर्वमंगल मांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके
शरण्ये त्र्यंबके गौरी नारायणी नमोस्तुते

सर्वांना नवरात्रोत्सवाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा! :-)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

अर्ज है.....

लम्होमे जो कट जाये वो क्या जिंदगी
आसुओमे जो बह जाये वो क्या जिन्दगी
जिंदगीका तो फ़लसफ़ाही कुछ और है
जो हर किसीके समझमे आये वो क्या जिन्दगी

(From the internet)
So Harbhajan is saying that Mumbai Indians didn't deserve to win yesterday's match. Damn right you are Bhajji! T&T were a lot better than you guys and definitely deserved to win. I feel sorry for Darren Ganga.

Going by the slim margin with which the team has managed to win the last 2 matches, I guess the Mumbai Indians fans would do well not to expect much from the team unless they pull up their socks, and soon. :-(

In the meantime, why has everyone stopped talking about the debacle that was the England Tour? Guess CLT20 is a blessing in disguise for the Indian cricket team!

हा खेळ सावल्यांचा

दोन दिवसांपूर्वीच झी टॊकीजवर ’हा खेळ सावल्यांचा’ ची जाहिरात पाहून मोबाईलमध्ये रिमायन्डर लावून ठेवलं होतं. बयाच वर्षांपासून हा सिनेमा पहायची माझी इच्छा होती. काल रात्री मोठ्या उत्सुकतेने चॆनेल लावलं. सुरुवात झाली तीच मुळी ’आला आला वारा’ ह्या श्रवणीय गाण्याने. आशा काळेला मी आजपर्यंत फ़क्त रडूबाई भूमिकेत पाहिलंय. तरूण नायिकेच्या रोलमध्ये तिला पाहायची ही पहिलीच वेळ. पिक्चर बराच जुना असल्याने ती ह्यात बयापैकी बारीक आहे. जमिनदाराच्या मुलीचा, इंदुमतीचा, रोल तिने छान केलाच आहे पण मला तिने केलेला कुळवाड्याच्या मुलीचा, गोमूचा, अभिनय आणि बोलणं फ़ार आवडलं. आशा काळे हा अभिनय करतेय ह्यावर विश्वास ठेवणं कठिण होत होतं.

पिक्चरची गोष्ट तशी साधीच. इंदुमती म्हणजे आशा काळे गावच्या दिवंगत जमिनदाराची एकुलती एक मुलगी, शिकली-सवरलेली. पण तरी शेतात जाऊन गडीमाणसांसोबत काम करायची तिला हौस असते. अशीच एके दिवशी ती शेतात असताना बंद पडलेल्या गाडीला धक्का मारायच्या निमित्ताने तिची ओळख डॊक्टर शेखरशी (काशिनाथ घाणेकर) होते. दोघे प्रेमात पडतात. योगायोगाने जे स्थळ सांगून येतं ते शेखरचंच असतं. इंदूची सावत्र आई (लालन सारंग) ती सद्न्यान झाल्याने आपला हक्क गेला म्हणून नाराज असते. त्यात नवयाने मृत्य़ूपत्रात तिच्यासाठी फ़ार काही ठेवलेलं नसतं. दिवाणजी (धुमाळ) आगीत तेल ओतायचं काम यथास्थित करत असतात. त्यात इंदूचा सावत्र मामा (राजा गोसावी) नाटक कंपनी बंद पडल्याने त्यांच्याच घरी येतो.

सगळं काही सुरळीत होणार असं वाटत असताना एकदम नरसूचं भूत इंदूच्या मानगुटीवर बसतं. हा तिच्या बालपणातला एक काळा प्रसंग असतो. दिवसेदिवस इंदूची स्थिती खराब होऊ लागते. शेखरची आई (सुमती गुप्ते) ठरलेलं लग्न मोडते. दिवाणजी मांत्रिक आणतात, इंदूचा मामा तिला बरं वाटावं म्हणून गुरुचरित्राचं पारायण करू लागतो पण नरसूचं भूत इंदूला भेडसावायचं थांबवत नाही. शेखर आपल्या परीने सर्व प्रयत्न करून पाहतो. त्याला यश मिळतं का नाही ते जाणून घ्यायचं असेल तर तुम्हाला हा पिक्चर पहावा लागेल. :-)

आधी म्हटल्याप्रमाणे आशा काळेचा अभिनय छान झालाय. सावत्र आईच्या भूमिकेत लालन सारंग आणि मामाच्या भूमिकेत राजा गोसावी फ़िट्ट. धुमाळ नेहमीच्या विनोदी भूमिकेपेक्षा वेगळ्या व्यक्तिरेखेत आहेत. अशोककुमार (शेखरचे वडिल) आणि देवेन वर्मा (मांत्रिक) पाहुण्या भूमिकेत धमाल करतात. दोघे मराठीही छान बोललेत. फ़क्त हिरो म्हणून काशिनाथ घाणेकर अजिबात पटत नाहीत. आणि हो, आताच्या काळात दिसेल त्या चॆनेलवर डिटेक्टिव्ह आणि क्राईम मालिका असतात त्यामुळे शेवटचा रहस्यभेद फ़ारसा धक्का देत नाही.

पण जुन्या काळचा एक रहस्यमय मराठी चित्रपट म्हणून पहायला वेगळीच मजा येते एव्हढं मात्र खरं.