Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ना कोई किसीके चाहनेसे दूर होता है
ना कोई किसीके चाहनेसे करीब होता है
जिंदगी खुदही दूर ले जाती है
जब कोई किसीके नसीबमे नही होता है

I generally don't watch the program 'Mummy Ka Magic' on Food Food channel. But that day I chanced upon it while surfing the TV and decided to give it a try. The recipe was called "Chicken and Cheese". The lady anchoring the show - who was also cooking - heated up oil and then added crushed garlic cloves to it. After that, finely chopped onion and finely chopped pieces of all 3 types of capsicums went in. After these were sauteed, she added pieces of boneless chicken, followed by maida (all purpose flour), roasted cumin powder and salt. Next came boiled chawali beans and chicken stock. After the whole mixture was cooked, she topped it off with grated cheese and added a bit of lime juice.

I am not saying I remember the recipe exactly as it was shown. But somehow the chicken and chawali beans combination is sort of engraved on my memory because it sounds so terrible. On top of it the lady in question was certain that kids will love this dish. Oh brother!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Prospective Husband: Do you have the book 'Man - the master of women'?

Salesgirl: Fiction section is on the other side, sir. :-)
SRK seems to have had a bash at his residence which was attended by many so-called celebrities from the Hindi film industry. This happened right after the Mumbai blasts. One wonders whether to criticize these people or not. In a way, they have been honest in demonstrating that they don't care much for these things. The multi-million dollar (!) question, then, is, whether we common people should care about them or not. I am happy to say that I don't because I don't spend even a dime of my hard-earned money on Hindi movies - haven't done so since past few years and never ever regretted the decision.

If by chance, any journalist had asked SRK about this celebration, he would probably have delivered the dialogue from his movie 'दिलवाले दुल्हनिया ले जाएँगे' - बडे बडे शहरोंमे ऐसी छोटी छोटी बाते होती रहती है senorita!
So Mr. 50% Indian says that it is very difficult to prevent every terrorist attack. I agree, it is very difficult to fight against people who are hellbent on taking innocent lives at any cost. But what I don't agree with, Mr. Gandhi, is your implication that the police and intelligence network have been successful in preventing 99% of such attacks in India and that Mumbai's recent blasts fall into the 1% category. I simply don't buy that.

I wonder if you would have the same reaction in case one of the blasts that falls into this 1% category happens too close for your own comfort? Will you still be talking statistics? I hope not. So shut up and do some constructive work instead.