Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SRK seems to have had a bash at his residence which was attended by many so-called celebrities from the Hindi film industry. This happened right after the Mumbai blasts. One wonders whether to criticize these people or not. In a way, they have been honest in demonstrating that they don't care much for these things. The multi-million dollar (!) question, then, is, whether we common people should care about them or not. I am happy to say that I don't because I don't spend even a dime of my hard-earned money on Hindi movies - haven't done so since past few years and never ever regretted the decision.

If by chance, any journalist had asked SRK about this celebration, he would probably have delivered the dialogue from his movie 'दिलवाले दुल्हनिया ले जाएँगे' - बडे बडे शहरोंमे ऐसी छोटी छोटी बाते होती रहती है senorita!

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