Friday, August 5, 2011

The burning question

What's with people? Since yesterday evening, I have been getting junk SMSs asking me to join this group or that in burning the Lokpal bill. I agree the bill doesn't have much teeth but is this the way to register a protest? I firmly believe that Mr. Anna Hazare has been very wrong in starting this trend. You do it once and people will follow you blindly. He, of all the people, should have realized this. It's a pity that he doesn't.

Most surprisingly, I got one such SMS from the Art of Living group. I don't remember receiving any SMS from them asking to do my bit to stop female infanticide, to conserve environment, to alleviate poverty, to provide education, to clean up the cities or the holy river Ganga. Then why are they asking me to join them in burning this bill?

Don't you think it is high time we look for peaceful, but powerful, ways of conveying our disagreement? If you do, check out this TOI site -

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