Monday, October 3, 2011

To see or not to see

To see or not to see - that's the question. I was about to say 'Million Dollar' but I don't want to remind you of the state of Dollar, Euro and the world economy in general.' See what?', you may ask. 2 movies - John Abraham's Force and Shahrukh Khan's Ra.One.

True, I haven't been known to spend my hard-earned money on Hindi movies. Like I have mentioned countless times on this blog, the last Hindi movie that I saw in the cinema hall was 'Kabul Express' (another John A starrer, you say? Well, he IS my favorite, you know!). But the temptation to watch John play a cop has sort of got the better of whatever meager supply of common sense that I have. The only problem is that no one, absolutely no one (including my female friends!), is willing to come with me to watch it. :-(

So I have made a pact with the Devil Himself - i.e. my brother. If you have been blessed with a brother (or brothers!), you know (and will agree!) that brothers almost always never help you without thinking about what's in it for them. My brother is no exception. The truth is that he needs someone to watch Ra.One with him. Now comes the best part - I cannot stand the sight of Shahrukh Khan and my brother almost hates John Abraham.

Still, he has assured me that he will watch Force with me if I promise to watch Ra.One with him. Ever suspicious of his motives, I argued that I cannot trust him - what if he makes me watch Ra.One and then refuses to watch Force with me? He calmly replied that Force has already released while Ra.One is slated to be released in the last week of October (Of course, I cannot be expected to know that. I hate Shahrukh, remember?). Then he gave me a look that plainly said that he was thinking very seriously about getting it in writing from me.

So now I am in a fix. I will have to tolerate Shahrukh if I have to drool over John. It's almost like selling your soul to the devil!

John, I hope you read this some day and know what your fans have to go through to watch your movies :-)

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