Saturday, May 30, 2009

जाम टूटने का बहाना मत कर

हम तो तेरी आखोसे पी लेंगे

तू मत आ लेकिन आनेका वादा तो कर

हम तो तेरे इंतजारमे जी लेंगे

Friday, May 29, 2009

अर्ज किया है...

तमन्ना कोईभी मेरे दिलकी पुरी ना हुई
चाहतका कोई अफसाना ना बना
आज फ़िर चली गई जिंदगी नजरोके सामनेसे
और उससे बात करनेका कोई बहाना ना बना

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another forwarded SMS:

कागझपे जब जिंदगी लिख दी
अश्कोकी स्याहीसे हर खुशी लिख दी
दर्दको जब उतारा लफ्झोमे
लोगोने सराहा "वाह! क्या ग़ज़ल लिख दी"
A forwarded SMS:

You love someone. You marry someone else.
The one you marry becomes your wife or husband and the one you loved becomes the password of your email ID. :-)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

अर्ज किया है...
खुदसे फुरसत मौसार ना आई वरना हम किसी के होते तो बस तुम्हारे होते.
Why do we Indians always express our anger by destroying public property? What happened in Vienna was sad but when are we going to understand that we are hurting ourselves by setting fire to cars and trains, destroying shop windows and being responsible for the distress of thousands of travellers who get stranded at the stations because the trains are cancelled or re-routed?

9X dil se

It was late in the night and I was going through my list of Hindi and English TV channels in a hotel in Trivendrum 2 weeks back. I chanced upon 9X. The program name said "चांदनी राते". I left the channel on as I went to look phor something in my bag. And I am glad I did that. I didn't know how the next one and a half hour passed as the program played many of my favorite old Hindi songs - I was watching some of them for the first time. The narrations by the anchor person in the intervals were good too. For the rest of my stay in Trivendrum, this channel was my daily companion from 10:30pm to 12am.

I also found out that they have a similar show on Saturday-Sunday mornings from 8-11:30am. No prizes for guessing which channel my TV was tuned to on weekend mornings. :-)

Sadly, I saw ads for a new program on Mon-Thurs at 10:30pm starting this week. :-( Worse still, I have found that the cable network back home in Mumbai doesn't air this channel :-( I need to have a word with the cable guy.
A friend forwarded this the other day:

कौन देता है उम्रभरका साथ फराझ
लोग तो जनाझेमेभी कांधे बदलते रहते है
Just heard a nice song with haunting words. I didn't know which movie it was from till the RJ said it was from the movie "Lekin". The words go like this:

सुरमई शाम इस तरह आए
साँस लेते हो जिस तरह साये