Monday, December 3, 2012

Prayer to God

God, when I lose hope, help me to remember that your love is greater than my disappointments and your plans for my life are better than my dreams.

If you are one of those who gets overjoyed when you hear a Fantail sing in the bushes or when you see a Bulbul make an appearance early in the morning? Then you must check out Maybe our winged friends might be having their favorite watering hole next to where you are staying :-)
Ever heard of 'Malgudi Days'? If yes, you might be one of those who watched episodes of this TV show during your childhood. If you want to feel nostalgic, tune in to Hitz Entertainment channel every Sunday morning around 12:15-12:30. They air 2 episodes back to back.

I just loved the story of the pick-pocket. The story titled 'Four Rupees' failed to match the expectations created by the pick-pocket's story though.

Whatever the case, it was a sheer delight to listen to the familiar song at the end of both the episodes. Very few things have the power to take me back to my childhood these days. This was definitely one of them :-)
Interested in taking a class in cooking? Wonder if anyone will teach you how to play an Electric Guitar? Then check out You might just get lucky :-)
"I have been pressing this button for the past 10 minutes. You went downstairs and up again twice. Didn't you see the indicator? I get late everyday because of you people." I was venting my frustration at the watchman manning the elevator in our society.

'Madam, the lift stops automatically on the floors. I cannot control it' he was trying to get in a few words - now that I had paused to catch some breath.

'What non-sense!' I managed a final reprimand and hit the floor running as soon as the doors opened on the ground floor.

And then, I read 'The ups and downs of Making elevators go'. Oh well, I am not saying that the elevator in our society is running a complex algorithm. But I guess I can make a few seconds allowance for the poor machine.

On second thoughts, I am better off taking stairs!

Tata Log

“At the IIMs and Harvard Business School, we have ‘case-studies’ of companies, but many of them are written in a clinical and intellectual style, accompanied by lots of annexes and data. This makes them quite heavy, dry and sterile."

When I read these lines at the beginning of the article that talked about Harish Bhatt's book 'Tata Log', I felt immensely relieved. Finally! There is someone who shares my opinion about this supposedly important part of an MBA curriculum. I was never able to wrap my head around the numbers. :-)
Jokes apart, I believe that this book would be an interesting read because this will give an excellent insight into what makes companies and their employees tick and how big projects and products are launched because someone somewhere dreamed about them.