Sunday, December 6, 2015


I missed last 3-4 episodes of the latest season. I missed the first one when I was down with fever. Though Dean, Sam and Castiel (certainly!) are normally a sight for the sore eyes, I was so sick that I didn't even think about watching the episode. I just lay in my bed wondering if it would be better to die instead :-) The fever was gone by the next weekend but the fatigue remained and it was a task to concentrate on anything for more than 5 minutes. I am sure I would not have been able to follow the plot even if I had parked myself in front of the TV. Then I sort of lost interest in the show for the next 2 weeks. Enough of the angel-demon fights, enough of the darkness and if the world is coming to an end, so be it!

Still, I followed the plot on wiki. Looked like the Winchesters were back to solving cases involving the supernatural. Castiel seemed to be back to his usual self (what a relief!) and Amara was in Crowley's care. So I tuned in this weekend.

Sure, I have never understood the whole concept of an 'imaginary friend'. So the idea that there is a whole supernatural tribe associated with it was a bit hard to stomach (totally with Dean on this one!) but the moment it was revealed that Sully is Sam's imaginary friend, it was plain that the whole purpose of this episode was to guide Sam to do what he thinks he must do.

Okay guys, Lucifer and cage and whatever else you are going to throw at us, please don't stop working on these cases. Because though they border on being ridiculous at times, they also act as a kind of pressure valve when the whole darkness-about-to-engulf-the-world story goes too dark, at least for my taste!

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