Saturday, August 11, 2018


I must admit that a female Dr. Watson felt a bit strange, if not downright scandalous, in the beginning. I rather came to like the change in the character. But I haven't been feeling too happy about the plot of her thinking of adopting a child. A solid experience of watching numerous Hindi movies tells me that there will be at least one future case in which the child will be kidnapped to be used as a bargaining chip or a fair exchange for an exorbitant ransom amount. I, for one, am definitely not looking forward to such a scenario.

Till now, there hasn't been much of a development on this front. But I have a hunch that this season will end with the arrival of a baby in the Brownstone. If that happens I won't watch future seasons. Given that Sherlock has expressed the desire to help raise the child as Watson's friend, I shudder at the thought of seeing him changing the diapers.

I am sure poor Sir Arthur Conan Doyle must be dizzy from turning in his grave :-)

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