Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Funny how we sometimes don't realize that we are being extremely rude to someone, and yet, are able to point fingers when x is rude to y.

I had scheduled a long-due appointment for a hair-trim and facial last Saturday morning. As the guy was trimming my hair, someone at the front desk came to ask him something. I am not sure what the lady asked and what he said because I was lost in my own private world. But then I was jolted out of it when she said in a high-pitched tone "Answer only what I asked you about. I don't want any pearls of wisdom from you.". The guy must have been embarrassed to death. Fortunately, there wasn't anyone else within earshot. I debated whether to ask him to shrug it off. Then I thought it best to act as if I didn't hear anything. But, nevertheless, I thought the lady could have acted with a bit of tact.

And then it struck me that I wasn't myself very polite just that morning. It so happened that I had scheduled facial after the haircut that morning. Just as I was about to step out of the house, I had got a call informing me that the girl who usually does my facial was not well and wouldn't be in that day. They were booked throughout and so if I wanted to reschedule it, I could do it on Sunday. Needless to say, I lost my cool. I had scheduled some other work on Sunday morning and that plan would go right out the window because of this. I blew out all my steam on the poor girl who had called - fully knowing that it was not her fault. I should have known better than to schedule an appointment with the girl who for the past few weeks has been having some health problems. I had finally ran out of steam and cooled down. I had said sorry to the girl and scheduled an appointment for Sunday. I had apologized to her again when I spotted her in the salon.

But in that particular window of 2-3 minutes or so, I wasn't at my polite best. So I really didn't have any right to comment on someone else's window of 2-3 minutes, did I? :-(

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