Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ich Bin UPite!

Trouble finds some people when they least want it. But some people go on looking for trouble when it is least expecting them. Jaya Bachhan comes in the 2nd category.

Technically speaking, she is not from the UP – her husband is. But the true Indian wife that she is, her hubby dearest’s home is her own and so thus spake Jaya Bachhan. And now people are wondering if she will be able to say the same thing in the land of the “Puraachi Thailavi”. Wanna prove them wrong, Jayaji?

JFK was luckier than Mrs. Bachhan. People might say that his “Ich bin ein Berliner” had Germans rolling on the floor laughing as it translated to “I am a Jelly Donut”. But there at least is an alternative explanation. “Ich bin ein Berliner” can also mean “I am one with the people of Berlin” whereas “Ich bin Berliner” (which some claim is what JFK should have said in the first place) means “I am a citizen of Berlin”. So there is a possibility that JFK couldn’t have made the faux pass.

But not Mrs. Bachhan! Her “Ham UP waale hai, Hindi me hi bolenge” doesn’t really leave much room for any other interpretation, does it now? Maybe there is a “Little Kolkata” tucked somewhere in the land where the “Chhora Ganga Kinarewala” lives :-) Ich Bin UPite!

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