Friday, March 13, 2015

Ellora Bakery, Dehradun

A toffee is a toffee is a toffee - I thought with a smirk when I read rave reviews about the famous Dehradun Stick Jaw toffee. The moment I tasted the first Stick Jaw, I realized that I couldn't have been more wrong.

We were on our way back from Robber's Cave and took a short stopover at our hotel for a quick bathroom break. Next on agenda were Palatan Bazar and Tibetan Bazar. The driver knew in advance that we wanted to check out the famous Ellora Bakery and so informed us that it is on the way to the Bazars.

There are two shops named Ellora side by side and that stumped me for a moment. The first one was heavily packed with ladies hell bent on buying everything in sight. I couldn't find even an inch of a space to move. Frustrated, I retreated and went into the next Ellora shop. Rows and rows of biscuits, rusks and assorted bakery products greeted me. I knew I couldn't buy any rusks - however good they may be - they were very likely to get reduced to a fine powder during the plane journey back home. So I asked for Stick Jaw. The smiling shop attendant handed over a pack. We bought it along with a pack of assorted cookies.

Over the years I have realized one thing - if you buy sweets or any ready-to-consumed food item during your travel, you should make it a point to taste it immediately. if you like it, you can then go back and pick some more of it. That is impossible to do if you wait till you reach home to taste it. So as soon as we were back in the car, I opened the pack and popped a toffee in my mouth. I think the article that mentioned that 'this magical toffee is addictive' was right on the spot. There simply is no other way to describe it.

By this time we were on our way to the bazaars but I told the driver to return to the bakery at the end of the day to buy more toffees. We sure did and the shop attendant beamed as he handed us two more packets. It's going to be a hard task keeping myself away from them. :-)

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