Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Podcast List - 3. Barbara Corcoran’s ‘Business Unu$ual’

The story of how I came across Barbara Corcoran’s ‘Business Unu$ual’ podcast is more interesting than the Arabian nights. Or not. But here it is. I heard about the podcast ‘Business As Usual’. When I checked it out, after a day or two, I looked for ‘Business Unusual’ instead!

I realized my mistake but the name ‘Barbara Corcoran’ sounded familiar. I had seen her in Shark Tank a few years ago. After a few episodes I couldn’t watch the panel grilling the entrepreneurs, eventually turning some down, & had tuned out. Though my chances of starting a business are slimmer than that of a snowflake in hell, this podcast in which she advises entrepreneurs sounded interesting – because the advice isn’t just for the entrepreneurs. Yes, she answers queries on how to start a business, how to increase sales, how to hire (& fire!) etc. but she also shares wisdom inherited from her parents & accumulated during her career. A lot of it is applicable to salaried folks. A lot of it is about life.

And she does it with so much of energy & warmth that if you listen at the end of the day, you feel charged enough to run a marathon. If I end up having even half of her energy & chirpiness at her age I would consider myself very lucky.

So every time she says ‘Listen in’, that’s exactly what I do.

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