Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Supernatural - S12, Season Finale

Right. Let me take stock of my emotions as they were at the end of the last episode:

Lucifer kills Rowena: on one side, it's good that the witch is finally dead. On the other, however, the Winchesters have lost a very capable ally who could have served them well while dealing with the Nephilim, should the need arise. That said, the sight of Lucifer clutching at a handful of 'carrot hair' isn't proof enough for me that Rowena is gone. It won't be too surprising if she has just hopped over to his side of the fence.

The Winchesters discover Bobby in the alternate reality: it was good to see Bobby, especially at a time when the Winchesters can count the number of their friends in single low digits, what with the Brits wiping out majority of the American hunters. BTW, just loved the words 'tea-swilling'. :-)

Crowley sacrificing his life to seal Lucifer in the rift: I have to use the Winchesters' favorite expression - 'seriously'? I didn't, for a moment, believe his spiel about getting sick of tending to the Hell and his back-stabbing minions. So I didn't take his death seriously. However, I read on one of the sites that Mark Sheppard has announced that he won't be returning to the show whereas another site claimed that he won't be returning as one of the main characters. Looks like there is hope still. I don't think I am ready to see the last of the King Of Hell yet. And I am sure Sam too will miss being called 'Moose' :-)

Lucifer killing Castiel: really now, how many times is Castiel going to mess up the one job assigned to him? :-( Again, I am taking his death with a pinch of salt. God has brought him back from the dead in the past, right? And He better do so again this time. I am sure handling Lucifer's teenage son isn't going to be the Winchesters' cuppa coffee. What gives me hope is that the cast of main characters for Season 13 mentioned on one site mentions Misha Collins :-)

Mary getting dragged into the alternate reality: No surprises here. I was always afraid that she is going to end up dead by season's end. My worst fears were confirmed after Kelly asked her if she won't die for her sons. But Mary in alternate reality is way better than Mary dead. And Sam seems to have, at least for now, taken this loss in his stride. I just hope that Dean won't fall apart. I am sure that Mary will find her way back to our world in Season 13. What remains to be seen is if she drags John Winchester back with her. It would be nice to see all the Winchesters together. I hope Chuck God (!) is listening.

Lucifer getting sealed in the alternate reality: I can't help but say 'What a relief!' even if that relief turns out to be a short-lived one. I never liked the dude. He is much too slimy for my taste. While it would be too much to hope that he will remain sealed there till the Judgement Day, it's good that the Winchesters won't have to worry about him, at least for now - unless he is able to contact his son from there.

Lucifer's teenage son: whatever Kelly's and Castiel's conviction, I have my doubts about the Nephilim being a benevolent force. Wonder why Castiel never told Kelly about the alternate reality.

I must say that I never fail to be impressed by the fact that the Winchesters never shy away from dealing with whatever life and fate throw their way, without even once calling upon God to help them. But just this once, I hope that God will help their cause because Lucifer is more His mess than theirs.

It sure seems like a long wait till October.

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