Tuesday, January 27, 2015

House, M.D. – The Series Finale

Judging by House’s monkeying around throughout this show, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had killed himself in the final episode. But when a body is charred beyond recognition, you can bet anything under the sun that the dental records have been tampered with. So I wonder why ‘Entertainment Weekly ranked House faking his death at number three for "Single Most Clever Twist" for the 2012 TV Season Finale Awards’.

That said, I think that the final episode did manage to show a different side of House’s selfish, weird and misanthropic nature. He made up for his lifetime of harassing Wilson by making sure that he is by the side of his friend when he most needed it – no matter what the personal cost. As character after character from his past (Dr. Lawrence, Dr. Amber, Dr. Cameron and Stacy), some of them quite dead, made their appearance as his subconscious, I wondered why Dr. Lisa Cuddy was excluded.

There is no denying, however, that it felt good to see Wilson and House ride off together into the sunset. I was mightily relieved when they didn’t show Wilson dying. Most of these shows have a habit of going dark as the series draws to a close (e.g. the firm was dissolved at the end of Practice, Scully and Mulder had to run away at the end of the X-files and so on) so I was half expecting to see dead bodies of House and Wilson in the final episode. Thank God for small mercies!

Another plus point was that the stories of the other characters – Cameron, Foreman, Chase, Taub - were also given a sort of a closure though nothing is revealed about what happens to Dr. Jessica and Dr. Chi. But I had to turn to Wiki to figure out why Foreman smiles when he discovers House’s ID card under the wobbly table’s leg.

Finally, I absolutely loved Warren Zevon’s "Keep Me in Your Heart for a While". Goodbye Dr. Gregory House. I am not going to miss you much but I am glad that you are one of those guys who leave the party before people want them to.

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