Monday, January 6, 2014

Audrey Pauley

I really liked an X-File episode (Audrey Pauley) after a long long time. It had an interesting story line that was well-developed. Of course, special agent Dana Scully had her usual 'Dazed' look about her here as well. It didn't come as a surprise that John Doggett never once gave up as Monica slipped into coma. But Scully's total acceptance of the diagnosis kind of jarred - especially given that Monica had played a major part in the safe delivery of her child. Scully never seemed to do anything to try to save Monica. Wonder if she would have remained as aloof if it were Mulder who had got injured in the accident.

'Lost' is drawing to a close as well. I must admit that since the past few episodes the series was getting rather tiresome. The trick of keeping the audience on edge by mixing past and current as well as current and future events seemed novel at first but was overdone later. I felt it was easier to just watch without thinking about it. If someone from the audience feels that way, it kind of defeats the purpose of the show - to keep the audience meaningfully engaged - isn't it? Guess as the final 3 episodes remain to be aired, the only question I am waiting to get answered is - who is going to remain on the island. And while they are at it, it would be nice if they explain just what in the world is that light all about and how extinguishing it is going to bring about an apocalypse.

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