Friday, September 20, 2013

Supernatural - Season 8 Finale

'If Sam carries out the 3rd trial, he will die' declared Naomi (I am still not sure who she was!) and I said to myself, here we go. The writers have stuck to their habit of bumping off one character or other in the season finale. But fortunately, Dean stopped Sam at the 11th hour - thanks to Castiel. Unfortunately, that means Crowley will live and that is making me mad as hell. Would have loved to see him (and his kind!) shut off in the downstairs basement for good!

I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that Cupid chose to appear in the meat suite (Crowley's favorite word!) of a woman. I mean isn't Cupid supposed to be a "he"? It was also disappointing to see that his bow was small enough to fit in the hollow of his palm. Here I was picturing a golden magnificent instrument! Well, as long as it gets the job done I guess.

Wonder what's the deal with Metatron. Anyways, since the demons haven't been shut off in hell and the angels are falling out of heaven, season 9 must be the case of 'Earth, the final conflict' :-) I just hope Dean, Sam and Castiel are around till the season finale.

I remember reading somewhere that the show is supposed to have 10 seasons in all. Hope God will make an appearance in the Series Finale at least. :-)

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