Saturday, June 8, 2013

Icing On A Landour Cake

I was surprised to see Mint on the table. The newspaper delivery man knows that the delivery is for Monday-Friday only. But he has done it before - dropped the paper at my place on Saturdays. And I must admit that it is refreshing to read the paper on a Saturday once in a while. It has a collection of articles - not as many as a Marathi newspaper has in its weekend supplement. But enough to take your mind off the sorry state the economy, global in general and Indian in particular, is.

Just as I was scanning them, a portrait of a lady dressed in what can be described as the 20s-30s style caught my attention. I began reading the article. It talked about a cookbook called Icing On The Landour Cake. Looks like it is a compilation of the recipes that were in vogue in the houses of the people who had come down to Landour (in the state of Uttarakhand now) from UK, US and New Zealand during that time - along with some photos from that era. The article does mention that some of the recipes are not usable because they are meant for cold climate as well as high altitudes. The measurements are also outdated in this century. But I agree that it will be a good addition to a set of kitchen books as a Collector's item.

I am glad the delivery man dropped the newspaper copy at my place today :-)

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