Friday, September 30, 2011

"Bones" - Star World channel

I haven't been a regular viewer of "Bones" (Star World channel) but lately I have begun watching some episodes. It's a bit more full of jargon than CSI but then I guess most of us don't know much about bones beyond fractures, calcium and of course, osteoporosis. CSI is a different story with its DNA swabs and gun powder residues - which are pretty much a common feature in almost all crime-related programs these days. :-)

It was sad to see Vincent Nigel-Murray go :-( His was an adorable character. On the other hand, I find Dr. Brennan truly insufferable. Never seen anyone like her in real or reel life before. Really. Dr. Lance Sweets is rather cute.

Yesterday's episode ended on this curious song - the lime and the coconut. Had never heard this one before. So I searched the net and found the lyrics. They didn't make much sense to me at first. But one of the comments did - something that makes me sick, can also cure me :-)

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