Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sometimes the readers' comments on the TOI website are far more interesting compared to the original news item. Sample this one - Angry Vijay walks off as fans go beserk (Ignore the spelling mistake in the last word for now!). Ignore the news itself and check out the first comment at the end - "Whoz Vijay ???" it says. The writer has given his location as Kolkata so it figures why he is blissfully unaware of this southern movie-star.

Mind you, I don't know what this Vijay looks like either. But that comment brought back days from my B-School when one of my quadmates, who was very fond of Telugu films, used to watch innumerable movies. Sometimes I would be around making tea or doing assignments and she would tell me the names of the leading pair, the names of their spouses or latest girlfriend-boyfriends and general gossip. One day, another quadmate, who was a Bengali from Kolkata (yes, it was a mini-India there!) was with me as I sat flipping through the channels. We landed on some Telugu channel and I promptly told her the names of the leading pair. The look on her face was priceless! :-)

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