Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Book Of Eli

I am not a fan of what I call "Apocalypse Now" kind of movies with their barren, scorched and desolate landscapes. But I wanted to find out what exactly is this book that Eli so desperately wants to deliver somewhere.

The movie didn't disappoint me - even when it was clear what the book is. Sure, there were some gaps when I left the cinema hall like, for example, exactly what is it that destroys so much of the civilization? Solar flares? WW3? Aliens? I wasn't also sure why people keep demanding that Eli show his hands. I don't know whether they didn't mention these clearly or I missed the part. In any case, it was to the rescue as usual. :-)

The movie made me rather sad. With the state of the world as it is now, we cannot dismiss the possibility of world annihilation lightly, can we? And when that happens, who can say that people will not insist on having their own God's word proclaimed? Even a solar flare might not destroy all fanatics :-(

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