Monday, January 5, 2009

Frequently there’s a situation in novels where a character sees a person but can’t remember where he/she has seen that person or if that person resembles any of his/her acquaintances. For example, Harry Potter feels that the bartender at The Hog’s Head in Hogsmeade looks vaguely familiar but he cannot figure out why. I have often wondered at this. I mean, come on, if you see a face that looks familiar, you gotta remember where you have seen it. It’s not that difficult, is it?

Looks like I was wrong as I found out about 2 days back while I waited for my turn at the bank. After I fished out my cellphone for the umpteenth time (I have stopped wearing a wrist-watch since a long time!) to check the time, I took a glance about at the other unfortunate souls in queues. And there he was - a short dark-complexioned man with a little shiny ear-ring dangling from one ear!

I shifted slightly in my seat to have a better look. Surely, I have seen this chap some place. I was concentrating so hard while trying to remember where that I almost forgot that I was staring at the man. I shifted my gaze slowly to the door as if I was watching the street outside but my brain was still busy trying to connect the face with the place and, if possible, a name – albeit unsuccessfully.

Oddly enough, I somehow seemed to remember that the guy is related to some shop – like, maybe a salesman. I also remembered my impression that he is one of those who are extra-friendly to the fairer sex, if you know what I mean. Don’t ask me how I remembered all this but the fact is that I did. By then it was my turn to get the work done for which I had been waiting. So I got up and by the time I was done that chap was nowhere to be seen.

Needless to say, as of now, I have been unable to connect the face to the place, and the name. What’s more, the face is slowly fading from my memory. So the hope - that if I leave it at this, I will suddenly remember it - is fading too.

Wonder how people are able to help the cops sketch the suspects like they show in the movies. I don’t think I will be able to do that unless the suspect bears a strong resemblance to any of the celebrities :-)

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