Saturday, September 6, 2008

I don’t just feel sad for what’s happening in the Indian state of Orissa. I am angry. What right do people have to torch the houses just because they belong to the people who practice a different religion? A Hindu religious leader is dead and people came out on the street to take matters in their own hands. When will we have faith in the Law? When will we realize that we are doing an irreparable damage to the national fabric when we fight in the name of the God? As if the Islamic terrorists weren’t enough now we have these Hindu terrorists going on a rampage. Sometimes it makes me wish we were a communist state instead – without God!

A hue and cry is made about increasing coversions to Christianity. But instead of going to the root of the matter people are resorting to the violence because that, sadly in this country, is the path of the least resistance L No one wants to tackle the caste system that is making people flock to other faiths in the hope of getting an equal treatment. Let’s first fix that and if people still want to convert then let’s step aside respecting it as their personal decision.

It’s really unfortunate that not a single Hindu religious leader is stepping forward to raise a voice of sanity in this chaos. :-(

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