Saturday, March 15, 2008

I finished reading Benazir Bhutto’s “Daughter of the East” – the last few chapters detailing her brother Shah’s mysterious death, her return to Pakistan in 1986 and her marriage in 1987.

It was amusing to read how she kept her ever-chattering little niece next to her for what she calls as a “Protection” when she had dinner with her would-be husband and family. :-) Anyone who has gone through the process of an arranged marriage will identify with her situation. It is interesting though that the same Asif Zardari who at a time didn’t care much for politics saying that “one politician in the family is enough” is now the prime candidate for Pakistan’s Premiership!

In one of the last pages she mentions Pakistan being at the crossroads of democracy and continuing dictatorship in 1988. It’s ironic that the country found itself at the same crossroads 20 years down the line!

I couldn’t help draw parallel between her return to Pakistan in 1986 and in 2007. She has said in the book that she didn’t know what awaited her in Pakistan – life or death. But that she didn’t care and that she knew that whatever fate had in store for her wouldn’t change no matter where she went or what she did. Did she think the same in 2007? At one place she does mention that as the tear gas was fired someone pulled her through the sun-roof to protect her. Did the history fail to repeat itself in 2007?

And the larger question that will always remain unanswered for me. No, I am not talking about the mystery over who killed her. I am wondering about what prompted this lady to go through so much – lonely detentions, failing health, unsanitary prison conditions, death of the loved ones and a life filled with anxiety and uncertainties?

Let’s say it was her determination to bring democracy to Pakistan and also a desire to better the lot of her people. Then what about the corruption charges that she later faced?

Let’s say it was just the irresistible combination of money plus absolute power. But then did she willingly suffer so much for money? Can anyone?

Let’s say she started with a noble motive but then it was a case of “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
Then the most important question for democracy is – how to prevent this from happening?

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