Friday, August 31, 2007

UFO Politics at the White House

Annoyingly I dont remember the channel which showed this program - history channel or discovery...well, it doesn't matter. The program was interesting. It featured what the attitude of the US presidents - right from Roosevelt to George Bush - was about UFOs and our extra-terrestrial friends.

I could not believe that there are books written on the of them being "UFO Politics at the White House" by Larry W. Bryant. God!! These people do write about everything under the sun (and in the space). There really isnt any ground where "no man has gone before" as far as the world of words goes, is it? :-))

As I watched the program I couldnt help but think about the scene in the movie "Independence Day" when the US president says that there never was a Roswell....and one of his security advisors says "Mr. president, thats not entirely true" :-))

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