Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Fourth Protocol (16th August)

I am currently reading Frederick Forsyth's "The Fourth Protocol". In the beginning it sounded pretty dull compared to Forsyth's other books - The day of the jackal, Odessa file, The Afghan and the Fist of God. I was seriously thinking of abandoning it. But somehow I hung on and am being amply rewarded for it. I can hardly keep it down now that it has reached its final few pages of climax.

It's printed on the front page of the book that it was made into a movie starring Michael Caine and Pierce Brosnan. Pierce Brosnan!! :-) I have never been a fan of Bond movies but when Brosnan was 007 I watched Bond movies religiously. I think he was a perfect fit for the character of Bond. :-)

So let's see what the final pages have in store for me......:-)

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