Sunday, October 29, 2017

Supernatural, S13, E01

I started checking TV guide of AXN from 12th October onward - the day the first episode of the new season was going to be aired in the US. When a week passed without any mention of the show in the guide I wondered if this season was going to be aired in India at all - but only in a half-hearted fashion. To be frank, I wasn't too keen on watching it - what with Castiel and Crowley both gone. They took half the fun of the show with them - not to mention one third of the eye-candy!

A week passed. Then two. By then I was convinced that Season 13 wasn't for Indian viewers. And then the day before yesterday (Friday), I saw Supernatural slotted for 10pm on Saturday. I won't deny that I smiled despite myself. Oh well, if the series gets too dark (i.e. if even one of the Winchesters dies!) I could stop watching.

So it was with considerable trepidation that I sat down to watch the first episode. As always, it began with a recap of the past season. Couldn't help but wince when Crowley killed himself and Castiel died. Those were two of my favorite characters - the writers had no business bumping them off, and that too in the same season. NOT AT ALL FAIR!

Okay. So Jack aka Lucifer Jr. has superhuman powers. Dean wants to kill him and Sam is rooting for him. No surprises there. It was funny watching Sam dive for cover every time Jr. so much as moved a muscle. Crowley would have been mightily amused at that sight. But I am with Dean as far as not trusting Jr. goes. Afterall he is Lucifer's son - even if he is looking up to Castiel as his dad. It was sad to see Castiel's human body getting cremated. Is he really not coming back? :-( I am not a very emotional person but Dean's prayers to get his mom, Castiel, and even Crowley, back brought a lump to my throat. Not sure why Chuck aka God is not helping the Winchesters. All said and done, it is His mess that they are trying to clean up since long. Hope there is some divine plan there somewhere.

Jack looks as if he is a little bit slow on the uptake. One would expect Lucifer's child to hit the ground running, isn't it? But his mannerisms are so like that of Castiel that I did a double take on more than one occasions. The same confused, unsure look that was the hallmark of the late angel. I am sure one look Jr. and Lucifer would order a paternity test :-)

I am surprised that Dean has assumed that Lucifer must have killed his mom. Mary Winchester is more valuable alive than dead to him. If Crowley were around he would have set Dean right promptly. In the meantime, I will pray for Mary, even if it is just for the Winchester Boys' sake.

Let's see what E02 has in store for us.

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