Monday, February 14, 2011

Way to go Egypt!

I couldn't help but feel very happy for the Egyptians as I saw footage of the celebrations that erupted all over Egypt after the news of President Hosni Mubarak's stepping down came in. If anyone deserves democracy in this world it is these guys who braved it out in the Tahrir Square for 18 days , despite threat to their lives. I was amazed when I read that after the celebrations the residents of Cairo took it upon themselves to clean up their city. Way to go people!

I guess it is no use hoping that my fellow countrymen will learn anything from this. Most of us have been handed over democracy and freedom on a silver platter. We have been taking it for granted for years. We never fail to enjoy its privileges and rights but have turned a blind eye to the responsibilities and duties that come with it. India has been riding the high horse of non-violence, peace and ancient culture for so long that we don't think the rest of the world can teach us anything. :-(

I just hope and pray that one of my favorite countries of the world makes a peaceful transition to democracy soon. The world doesn't have any fond memories of countries being ruled by Military or Junta. And I definitely don't relish the thought of planning a visit to a country where fundamentalism is the rule of the day. :-(

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