Monday, December 29, 2008

2008 has been a trying year for many. As Harry Potter says to Fred and George at the end of “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” – we all could do with a few laughs. I am going to do my bit to provide some light moments to those who might chance upon this blog, and so, for the remaining days of this year I am going to post some jokes here. Of course, being one of those who believe that what you do on the first day sets the tone for the coming year, I will put up some funny entries on 1st of January as well.

So stop by and laugh with me as 2008 fades into 2009. :-)

Tourist: Whose skeleton is that?
Santa: Tipu's skeleton.
Tourist: Whose is that smaller skeleton next to it?
Santa: That was Tipu's skeleton when he was child.

Q: Why did Santa take his pregnant wife Jeeto to Pizza Hut?
A: Because they advertised: 'Free Delivery'

Santa joined NASA.
After one month the Americans had to change the name from NASA to SATYANASA!

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