Thursday, November 23, 2017

Supernatural, S13, E04

One more case. Looks like there is God afterall. :-) I understand The Empty being a place that predates even God. But it is hard to buy the concept that it is also the place where the angels and demons go to sleep forever after they die. So they get to sleep peacefully for eternity while we poor humans will either have to wait to be judged on the Judgement Day (as per Christianity) or be trapped in a cycle of births and deaths till our Karma is cleansed (as per Hinduism)? Not fair!

But I am glad that Sam convinced Dean to take Jack along with them on the case. In the absence of Castiel - who had promised Kelly that he would look after Jack - Sam is certainly looking after Jack well and exerting a very positive influence on the kid. If Jack is destined to foil Lucifer's plans, all credit should go to Sam.

I also liked the exchange between the Winchester siblings in which Dean asks Sam to keep having faith for the both of them. What's more, Dean did right by acknowledging that Jack did good on the job.

And as if all this wasn't so very soul-satisfying, Castiel has made it back to Earth. Just wonder how he has managed to come back in the same form, especially since his body was cremated? I don't have any complaints about that though. ;-)

Now that Mary is alive - even if in a parallel universe, and Castiel is back, can we also have our King of Hell, aka Crowley, back? I miss his dry wit terribly. And there is no denying that he was a huge help to the Winchesters.

P.S. I chuckled when Dean said that whatever is burnt stays dead. If that were really the case, there wouldn't have been so many tales of ghosts and other things that go bump in the night in India. :-)

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