Thursday, November 23, 2017

Supernatural, S13, E02

I am sorry but who is this Donatello again? Can the story-writers give us viewers a break and STOP dragging characters from seasons long gone past back into the plot? And can a human being survive without his or her soul? I mean sure, there are people who behave as if they have sold theirs to the Devil or whosoever is the current reigning king of Hell but come on, no one can function without any soul.

Hmm....wonder whatever happened to the other Princes of Hell. Did Lucifer bump them off before himself getting bumped off into some parallel universe? Dean is getting on my nerves now - especially his know-it-all attitude has me rolling my eyes all the time. Little Sammy has all my sympathies but I guess the whole Armageddon plot is getting a little stale.

I could have sworn I had seen Michael getting killed so had to check wiki to realize that this Michael belongs to the parallel universe. So their are God and angels and demons in the parallel universe as well? Whatever happened to other religions' concepts of God? No room for Krishna, Allah or Zarathushtra, to name a few? To borrow Dean Winchester's favorite expression - Seriously?

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