Sunday, September 4, 2016

Product I liked - Soul Pickles

I once had a roommate who would reach out for the pickle jar at every lunch and dinner - that never stopped amazing me because I am not a big fan of pickles. Less so, since I read somewhere that the excess salt in them (added as a preservative) can cause blood pressure problems. Who wants high or low BP, right? But since past few months, a jar of Soul pickle has become a hot favorite at mealtimes.


The first thing that you notice is that there is more gravy in it as compared to the other brands. Plus, there is no torrent of oil just waiting to gush out the minute you open the bottle. It has a great taste - especially if you mix a dollop of it with simple dal and rice. Just fry (or microwave!) a papad or two and you have all the trappings of a soul-satisfying meal :-)


For the record, I don't know if the claim of 'Less Salt' on the bottle is valid or not. I hope it is because it will be an icing on the cake.

P.S. So far I have tried only the Mango variety. But there is a brand new bottle of Mixed pickle in the fridge. And when I have worked my way through it, I plan to go for the lime one :-)

P.P.S. Neither I nor anyone from my family is related to this company. 

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