Friday, June 10, 2016


It's been a long time since I have been waiting for God - to make an appearance in Supernatural. And the funny thing is that when He did I missed the episode. So I was spared the shock of seeing God in a meat-suit (to borrow an expression from Crowley) that was so ordinary and unassuming. I would have expected Him to be a 6-footer, muscular good-looking guy with an angelic smile, a pair of dimples, deep blue eyes and a cheery disposition - in short, my idea of a handsome male. But Chuck is located at 180 degrees. Did the writers want to convey the age-old wisdom that God is within each of us? Whatever the case, I must say that the Winchesters seem to have weathered the shock better than me.

Their reactions to His sudden appearance were both expected and perplexing. Of course, Sam would be blabbering. And Dean would be in total confrontational 'How could you do this to us?' mode. But his tears came, so to say, totally out of the blue. He is not the emotional type. I would have expected Sam to break down. Their confusion at seeing God watch porn (wonder what would people have done India if anyone had even dared to suggest as much!) and demand bacon were plain adorable. I would have been dumbfounded as well. Funny that we don't live by the rules set by God but expect Him to abide by the ones set by us.

What is annoying me most about Chuck is that he appears weak as compared to Amara. Normally I am all gung-ho about strong women who give the men a run for their money but she is Darkness. And He is God, for heaven's sake. He is supposed to be stronger than anything this Universe can throw at him. I am hoping this weakness is an act and when the time comes, He will be able to put his sister in her place. BTW, was Chuck part of any earlier seasons? I don't remember seeing him before but then I haven't watched this show from the very beginning.

It was good to see Kevin, even if for a short while. Wonder why God hadn't sent him to Heaven till now. Was the next Prophet really necessary? The poor fellow seems scared out of his wits. His 'he is freaking me out' reaction to Metatron's 'I wrote your name on the inside of the angel's eyelid' was hilarious. Speaking of Metatron, his sacrifice was surprising. Hope God and Winchesters won't let it be for nothing. And can God please get Lucifer out of Castiel's body? It's painful to see Castiel in so much pain :-) And where is Crowley?

I guess it is useless to assume that Amara will go quietly into the night. With just 2 episodes to go before the season ends, I am getting the familiar hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach - the feeling of impending doom, the dread that one of the three - Sam, Dean or Castiel - would be lost in the Season Finale. Hope I am wrong. Amen!

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