Saturday, February 28, 2015

You Belong To Me – Mary Higgins Clark (Spoiler Alert!)

You can’t help but feel jealous. And wonder. How is it that every man that Dr. Susan Chandler runs into is tall, dark and handsome? First, it is the lawyer Douglas, then the celebrated psychologist who is a guest on her show Dr. Don Richards and finally, Alex Wright. What in the name of God?

Now that I have finished turning green with envy, a little bit about the storyline. Dr. Susan, a psychologist, runs a daily talk show and invites Dr. Richards to talk about his forthcoming book ‘Vanishing Women’. She asks Dr. Richards his opinion on the case of Regina Clausen who disappeared while on a segment of an international cruise three years ago. A caller, who identifies herself as Karen, calls during the show and tells the doctors that a couple of years ago she had been approached by a man while on a similar cruise herself and that she had been smitten to the point of thinking of disembarking from the ship to go with him. She also tells Susan that the man had given her a ring with an inscription ‘You Belong To Me’.

Susan requests the lady to meet her in her office. Regina’s mom who has been listening to the show tells Susan that when Regina’s belongings were returned from the ship she had found a similar ring with a similar inscription. As Dr. Susan sets about finding more about the case, she doesn’t realize that she is putting her life – and that of everyone else who decides to come forward – at grave risk.

Any reader of whodunits, worth his or her salt, would quickly dismiss the lawyer as red herring thus leaving Don and Alex as the prime suspects. I must admit that once Dee was in the picture, I thought of letting Alex off the hook because the rules of the ‘and they lived happily thereafter’ kind of story dictated that this time Susan would end up with The Guy. Plus, there was some uncertainty as to how Don’s previous wife died. Then I realized that it was too easy, too predictable. Alex was too nice to be true. And too nice to be innocent.

I was afraid that in the last pages of the novel I would find Susan in some dark corner of the cruise ship, locked and bound, as the killer whispered the lines of the song, only to be rudely interrupted by the Prince Charming’s breaking the door open to rescue the damsel in distress. Well, it didn’t pan out exactly like that but was on similar lines.

I would have loved it instead if the Damsel had reached the conclusion on her own and made sure the cops were waiting in the wings as the killer arrived to finish his agenda.

Ain’t never gonna happen. :-(

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