Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Auto World Vintage Car Museum, Ahmedabad

As far as I am concerned a car is a means of traveling from point A to point B. Nothing more than that. Certainly not something to drool over. But to my utter surprise, that's what I found myself doing when we landed at the Vintage Car Museum one afternoon last week. Thank God I had a digital camera. In good old days, I would have easily used up 1-2 rolls.

Here are just some of the beauties that I laid my eyes upon:

We were told that it is possible to take some of these cars out for a spin by paying the nominal charges. However, we didn't go for it.

As we were heading out I overheard a little kid asking his mom 'How much would it cost to buy a car like this?'. His mom, wisely, kept mum. :-)

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