Saturday, March 8, 2014

Supernatural Season 9 - #Thinman

Seriously? That's what this episode was all about? A pair of fake ghost-hunters and another pair of wacko hillbillies out on a killing spree? This isn't season 1 or 2 of the show, folks. We could do with either a novel supernatural being - like that pishtaco - or the next step in the angel-demon saga. And frankly, I doubt it if poor Dean needs more reminders of 'how he let poor little Sammie down'. He did what he had to - for Sam, for himself or for the love of mankind. That doesn't matter. Either they are in it together or they go their separate ways. Dean would do better to give Sam this ultimatum.

And for once, I won't mind an episode or two without the Winchester brothers. Give Cass and his band of angels some much-deserved screen space, for heaven's sake!

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