Saturday, January 25, 2014

Have you done Mammography this year?

I must be scaring the living daylights out of my women friends this week. I have been asking them if they have done Mammography this year. Most of them, to my dismay, have been replying in the negative but are quick to inquire why I asked. The fact is that recently a dear friend informed me that her mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer and it is in the last stage. Horrified, I asked her how it could have gone undetected in the annual Mammography. She replied that they didn't know about Mammography at all. I kicked myself for not bringing up the topic of annual medical checkups with her earlier. Her mom's cancer could have been diagnosed, and hence treated, in time.

But I am determined to not repeat the mistake and hence asking all female friends about it. So if you are a woman of 40 or above and/or have risk factors for breast cancer, please see your gynecologist to get more information about this procedure. If you are a man and reading this post, please make sure that the ladies in your life - mom, wife, sister, daughter, friends - not only know about Mammography but do it every year if they happen to fulfill the above conditions.

I know about procrastination. I have myself been guilty of postponing Mammography since past five years. But when I learnt about my friend's mom, I made sure I got it done along with my mom as soon as I could. And I am going to do it every year.

It is true what they say about prevention being better than cure.

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