Friday, December 2, 2011

Discover Your Destiny - by Robin Sharma

I had liked Robin Sharma's 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' so much that I have bought a copy of it. So, it was with great expectations that I brought home his 'Discover Your Destiny'. However, I must say that I was in for a mighty disappointment. :-(

Usually I don't leave any book unfinished but I couldn't go beyond first 4-5 chapters in this one. Thinking back, the only takeaway that I seem to remember is 'Do your best and leave the rest to the almighty' because life works itself out in such a way that at any point you are exactly at the point where you are meant to be. Now, doesn't the 2nd chapter of Bhagwad Geeta talk about exactly the same thing in its famous 'KarmaNyevaadhikaraste' shloka? No matter what mentions this thought - be it Bhagwad Geeta or Sharma's book - I am not entirely convinced by it. At best, it seems merely comforting because no matter what anyone does he/she can never guarantee a particular outcome of his/her actions. At worst, it seems horribly wrong - especially when I look at a beggar on the street or an old vendor peddling his goods when he should be resting at home. Did life actually mean this for these people? If no, then the thought falls flat on its face. If yes, then maybe it's that old cycle of Karma working itself out again. The next question then is - should we stop donating to charitable causes that help under-privileged people because these people need to work out their karma in this life? That sounds horrifying.

Oh well, the more you think, the more complicated it gets.

Anyways, about the book. As I was saying, after that takeaway, the book just seemed to go round and round about the same in the next chapter or two. I tried my best to get on with reading but it was an impossible task given that I had totally lost interest. So finally one evening I just picked it up and returned it to the library :-(

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