Friday, May 6, 2011

To the granny that I met at a book exhibition

It's always fun going to Ashish Book Center's book exhibition because you never know which books you might be able to get at bargain prices. This time though I had one particular book in mind - the one containing Sanjeev Kapoor's 100 favorite recipes.

I have been a regular visitor to this exhibition for the past few years so I knew that the cookery books are always in the last rows. However, when I went there, I could see almost all the books by the celebrity chef - except for the one that I was looking for. Just then a lady, obviously a senior citizen, happened to pass by me clutching a handful of books. The book that I was looking for was one them. I asked her where she found it. She looked about vaguely and said that one of the attendants had given her that book. I replied that I will look for the attendant and also remarked that this book was specially on my list.

Thereupon the lady smiled sweetly and said that if she decided not to buy the book, she will surely give it to me in case there weren't any more copies left at that time. I smiled back - pretty sure that matters will never come to that because the people at the book stall always make sure that there are enough copies around. But still, you never know about us Indians. If we see enough people buying something, we decide to play it safe and go for it as well. :-)

Before embarking on the "hunt for the attendant" I decided to take one more look at the aisle. And voila! The book was right there! I grabbed a copy before eager ladies descended on the aisle. Brandishing the copy about, I called out to the granny - 'I got it' I said.

And will you believe it? She smiled as if she herself had found something that she was searching for years. What is it in some old ladies that makes you wish they were your grannies instead?

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