Monday, May 9, 2011

Intervention - by Robin Cook

It's rather a daunting task to read a novel containing major references to Christianity - if you are not a Christian. I kept on wondering about words such as Catechism, papal infallibility and Mariology. Of course, thanks to the internet it was easy locating information about these - though it wasn't always easy to understand it.

Still, for the most part, "Intervention" by Robin Cook kept me engrossed. I must confess that I did pause a little when I saw the book on one of the shelves in the library. Someone must have returned it just before I came in because it was yet to find its proper place in the shelf dedicated to Cook's books. I just turned it over to read the synopsis. The word "Archaeology" never fails to fascinate me. Add to it the discovery of a relic which could be of immense medical as well as ecclesiastical significance and the plot becomes simply too irresistible. :-) sadly, the novel seemed to end rather abruptly with the rest of the plot wrapped up like that of a movie that has run out of its budget. :-(

I had seen "Coma" a long time back when I was a mere child. I am not sure if it is because of that or for some other reason, but I have mostly stayed away from Robin Cook. Maybe it is time to check out his other novels. What say?

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