Friday, April 30, 2010

It was rain that woke me up last night

Was my Guardian Angel nearby yesterday when I talked about the patter of raindrops and smell of wet earth? Yesterday night I woke up when something loud crashed nearby. In tune with the times that we live in, my first thought was that a bomb had exploded somewhere. But then no terrorist worth his (or her - another sign of the changing times!) salt would detonate a bomb in the dead of the night when the roads would be deserted. I checked the bedside clock - it showed 4:30am.

Just when I was wondering if I had been dreaming, there was a flash and then another loud crack pierced the pre-dawn air. I couldn't believe it - it was raining!

I was out of the bed in a flash. Oh, it was so good to hear the raindrops falling on earth. I watched for some time and then fell happily asleep to the music of the dancing rain. :-)

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