Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Violets are blue

I read a book that I want to forget I ever read - Violets are blue by James Patterson.

I admit that under ordinary circumstances I wouldn't have picked up the book. But I was in a hurry and I didn't see any other books close by with the words FBI, vampires and possibly bestseller. So I picked it up,hurried through it in 2 days flat and now am trying hard to forget about it.

Somehow the plot seemed wafer-thin - vampires on rampage biting the hell out of people all over the US of A and a detective stalked by a super-criminal trying hard to solve this case. I wondered what took Alex Ross so long to figure out who the Mastermind is.

And all that talk of blood made me so sick that I was sure if I so much as pricked my thumb I would throw up at even a tiny drop of my own blood!

So as far as vampires (and James Patterson) go it's garlic and Holy Water for me!

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