Sunday, November 17, 2019

Supernatural, S14, E02

Truth be told, I wasn’t particularly dying to see the second episode. I started watching it more or less out of habit and immediately groaned when Jack the Ripper made an appearance. I mean, seriously? The only saving grace seemed to be Rowena’s entry into the fray. This spunky woman has saved the Winchesters on more occasions than one. Now the playing field is evened out. Or maybe it has tilted more in favor of the Winchesters. If I have to take sides, I would any day pick Rowena over practically any ghoul / demon.

It took me a second to recognize Arthur Ketch though. Didn’t he look more chiseled in earlier episodes? Kevin Tran’s appearance wasn’t exactly a surprise. Given the fact that this is the very last train leaving the station, it is going to board as many passengers as it can, right? But I cannot, for the life of me, recall why Chuck cast him into Hell. Never mind. It was many seasons ago. Who cares? But it was sad to see him choosing to roam the earth instead of going back to Hell. Given the current state of affairs on earth, he should have taken his chances in Hell.

Amara is back! Wonder why Dean chose not to seek her help. Given the monotheistic nature of Christianity, I had been more than a little surprised to see God having a sibling. Her being sweet on a mere mortal like Dean had sounded nothing short of blasphemy. But like I said before, the series’ creators don’t seem overly concerned about ruffling a few orthodox feathers. Good for them! Chuck really pales in front of His sister. To be truly honest, I had smirked on seeing this nondescript wisp of a man as the earthly vessel of God. He seemed neither powerful nor particularly intelligent. But in retrospect, that seems to have worked out beautifully. In fact, if they had chosen someone looking like Thor, it would have seemed almost stereotypical - with his masculine build and Greek God like looks. Moreover, it wouldn’t have exactly fit in with God’s personality as has been revealed – more than a little unsure of Himself, a bit vindictive, narcissistic – over the course of the show.

That said, I almost clapped when Amara refused to help out Chuck and walked out on him. Very well done sis! Even God needs to learn a lesson or two every now and then.

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