Sunday, May 20, 2018

Supernatural, S13, E21

You would think the Winchesters would have learnt from their mistakes by now. But no! The first one was taking Sam to the Apocalyptic world. We all know he is good when it comes to the desk job and research but doing field work is, to put it mildly, not his cuppa coffee. Dean should have put his foot down more heavily. And the second was to leave Rowena alone with Lucifer. Sooner or later he was gonna charge through the rift.

As expected, Sam got himself killed and then resurrected by Lucifer, thus putting him in the Archangel's debt. Lucifer alone was a bad enough idea. Lucifer, reunited with his son, is a colossal mistake. Or should I say one of 'cosmic proportions'.

Oh, and that episode between Rowena and Gabriel was totally uncalled-for. BTW, if I were Rowena, I would have hit on Castiel instead. ;-)

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