Sunday, April 23, 2017

Supernatural, Season 12, E18

Now, I am officially pissed. It isn't polite to enter into someone's home when they aren't around, is it Mr. Ketch? Now who is being mangy, huh? What were you hoping to find? And what is that huge thing that you have planted there? I thought it was a dynamite but it turned out to be a microphone. A microphone? This big? The British Men Of Letters need to have someone like Q. And pronto!

The case wasn't much interesting either. C'mon, you can do a lot better than a God that grants people prosperity in exchange for human blood. This isn't season 1, episode 1, right?

The Winchesters got it wrong - Ketch isn't low rent Christian Bale. He is low rent 007!!

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