Monday, January 2, 2017

The Bible (History Channel, Sat-Sun, 9pm)

I so wish the good folks at the History Channel would start some kind of notification service to let us mortals know of their upcoming programs. I was lucky to chance upon one of the episodes of this show on Sunday, 25th December. It showed Moses leading the Israelis out of Egypt. Of course, I am now quite familiar with the story, thanks to the 2014 film 'Exodus: Gods And Kings'. But once again, I couldn't reconcile myself to the idea of a God who allows killing of innocent children for the sins of their parents. I could not understand how a Prophet could watch the children die.

The 31st December episode was about Samson-Delilah. I was vaguely familiar with the story - mostly the part about his long hair being the secret of his superhuman strength. I had never bothered to find out about his roots and so funnily enough, I had always assumed Samson to be a white male. So his being dark came as a bit of a shock along with Delilah's betrayal. I had always assumed their story to be of 'and they lived happily thereafter' kind. :-(

To be frank, I had never heard of king Saul. I thought God doesn't want innocents killed but here He seemed to have sided with Samuel who wanted Saul to kill all Philistines. I thought Saul did right by not obeying Samuel but clearly God had different ideas. I knew David because of Goliath but never knew that he is the same as king David. Speaking of Goliath, his fight with young David was a disappointment. Didn't even last for a full minute :-( Maybe, that was the point of it all and I certainly seem to have missed it. An equally unfathomable thing is God's taking away king David's firstborn son as a punishment for his dilly-dallying with Bathsheba (God! This name gives me the creeps, thanks to The Conjuring!) and yet allowing him a second one with her.

I think the channel should have included some commentary by experts in this program. It would have helped people like me who come from a different faith. But otherwise this is an excellent program and a must-watch for anyone who is curious about the Bible.

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