Monday, January 30, 2017

I have stopped listening to the FM channels. Barring a few exceptions, as a rule, the RJs talk non-stop non-sense. You get to listen to a few songs if you are patient enough to sit through multiple breaks containing banal repetitive ads, without having murderous thoughts. The male RJs behave as if they have been appointed with the express purpose of flirting with the female callers and the way the female RJs talk can only be described as cooing. Not to mention that every channel claims that their female RJ is the most beautiful or most loved RJ of all. I definitely have better things to do with my time.

So these days I have taken to listening to various podcasts. I have mentioned BBC History Hour podcasts a couple of times on this blog before. I remain a loyal fan.

Then there are the No Sleep Podcasts. These are basically horror stories from Reddit site. I devoured Season 1 at breakneck speed and now am onto Season 2. If you like this genre, give these podcasts a try for sure.

The newest set of podcasts on my phone are from the Archaeology Podcast Network. So far I have listened to 3 of their podcasts and just loved them.

I wish I had explored the option of podcasts long time back. Would have put a lot of my time to good use.

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